Group Mai-Tri session with Devi (via Zoom)
Welcome to this beautiful, deep process of inner cleansing and balancing, a rare opportunity to experience the full intensity of blessings from Mohanji through the Mai-Tri Method within a group energy dynamic.
Group Mai-Tri is done by only several senior Mai-Tri practitioners and is always a unique experience, depending on what we are ready to release and cleanse at that specific point in time.
SUNDAY, 3.10.2021. at 4pm (CET)
LIVE with DEVI MOHAN via Zoom
→ For those of you who may be joining us for the first time, Mai-Tri Method is a profound method of deep cleansing and harmonizing in which deep-seated subconscious blockages are removed, even from the subtlest layer of our existence – the causal body – where seeds of karmic impressions are stored. While the cleansing reaches deep into the energy records, it is important to note that Mai-Tri Method does not interfere with the destiny aspect of karma(as this is what has been chosen at the soul level, be it pleasant or unpleasant to our mind).
→ In this process you will be guided to dig deep and address the inner ‘body of pain’, also referred to as the inner shadow in order to then soar high into gratitude, surrender and higher vibration that allows self-healing at all levels.
→ Through the Group Mai-Tri session (90 min long), you will have the chance to remove a lot of inner weight which is difficult to access from the level of conscious mind and sheer willpower.
→ The main part of Group Mai-Tri is the elevation of one’s frequency through gratitude and connection with the higher consciousness.
→ Please note that this process is completely safe as it is done in full connection with Mohanji’s consciousness, through Devi Mohan as the instrument of that Grace. Energy effect can be felt for hours afterwards and various positive changes in life are witnessed very soon.
To find out more about Mai-Tri Method, please visit this link⬅︎
4 – 4.15 pm CET – Introduction
4.15 – 5.40 pm – Group Mai-Tri session
5.40 – 6pm – Experience sharing and additional clarifications
To book your slot and get the Zoom link please:
1. Process the payment of 35 euro via PayPal using the following link: www.paypal.me/DeviMohan/
(if Covid time has rendered you jobless or drastically reduced your income, if you are a student, retired citizen, or financially challenged in any other way, but eager to experience Group Mai-Tri, the energy exchange of 17 euro is also acceptable. Please honor the energy exchange laws while making this decision, in line with your own conscience)
2. Email Devi’s team on devi@mohanji.org to CONFIRM the payment was made and GET the Zoom link.
→ Please check your Spam folder if you did not receive a reply within 1 day.
→ The registration is closing 03.10. at 14h (CET)
You may also request an alternative payment option if PayPal is not possible for you- please email Devi’s team on devi@mohanji.org
Please note that as per the standard rule of Mai-Tri Method, 50% of the total funds received will be used for charitable purposes, in specific for feeding of the needy.
Here is a beautiful sharing by Martina Tišljar (Angel Whisperer) Croatia who joined the last Group Mai-Tri session in the Serbo-Croatian language in March 2021 –
“I don’t follow social media much, but it has been my experience that any important information reaches me when needed. The same was the case with Devi’s announcement of Group Mai-Tri.
I don’t think much when it comes to attending Devi’s processes – I applied right away, even though I was booked to attend a symposium that day. I simply decided to miss one part of it.
That process was so powerful that I find it difficult to describe it in words, but I would like to do my best to convey it. I have experienced many processes with Devi thus far, but this one was so powerful that a part of me got stunned by the force that simply overtook my body. At some point my body was shaking from the intensity of that force and the tears of gratitude kept pouring as if they will never stop. I knew exactly what I was releasing.
Images and emotions from my very first arrival to planet Earth, and all other lives that followed, connected into one wholesome unit. I became aware that I am releasing the greatest pain from all the pains and burdens that I have been carrying till date. That inner knowing was crystal clear. Transformation was momentary. After that moment, I knew I was no longer the same person that I was an hour ago. I felt completely different. The clarity and determination that has been my greatest strength all my life got reawakened. Ever since I was a child, selfless service was the only thing that mattered to me. Now I know that I am more ready than ever before to give more from the purest part of my being. The part of me that is one in Love with God since ever.
The words ‘Thank you’ are so small, but nevertheless beautiful. Sincere thank you to our dear, gentle, powerful Devi who is a beautiful blessing to this world. And I feel this blessing is growing day after day. I am already looking forward to any future session or time together.”
SUNDAY, 3.10.2021. at 4pm (CET)
LIVE with DEVI MOHAN via Zoom