Online Purchase

You are welcome to purchase your chosen guided process with Devi, either Awakening Yoga Nidra or The Light Beyond, in English or Serbian language and enjoy it in your own time at home.

Contact Devi’s team for more information:

Devi Mohan
Devi Mohan

Awakening Yoga Nidra

This process is based on the ancient method of effective, progressive relaxation called Yoga Nidra (conscious yogic sleep), a beautiful method of inner cleansing, balancing and empowerment done in the receptive alpha state of mind.

Through Awakening Yoga Nidra one gets empowered to face any challenge of life by strengthening the connection with the inner witness (sakshi bhaav), the key to our ability to rise above the pain in any challenging moment of life.

Aside from inner healing, self-acceptance, addressing the aspect of ancestral karma, dark energies, etc, other benefits include balancing of the left and right side of the brain and speeding up the process of self-healing at all levels.

Devi Mohan
Devi Mohan

The Light Beyond

During this process, you will be guided into a powerful heart activation, so that you can effectively tap into the transformative power of love.

Become an instrument of awakening on Earth instead of simply reacting to the events of life, overwhelmed by the constant fear-based information.

Discover and activate your innate ability to transform physical reality through love. Based on her own life-saving past experience of instant heart activation, Devi conveys this knowledge in a powerful, authentic way.

Learn how to sharpen your inner antenna to become receptive to the information from the higher vibratory planes – by effectively working on activating your pineal gland through simple methods.

Devi Mohan
Devi Mohan

Joga nidra buđenja

Ovaj proces zasnovana  na drevnoj tehnici efektivne, progresivne relaksacije po imenu Joga nidra (samo-indukovani, svesni san jogija) i predstavlja metodu unutrašnjeg čišćenja, balansiranja i osnaživanja, koja se odvija dok smo u prijemčivom alfa stanju uma.

Kroz Joga Nidru Buđenja osoba postaje osnažena, spremna da se suoči sa svim životnim izazovima tako što pojačava vezu sa svojim unutrašnjim svedokom  što je ključna stvar naše sposobnosti da se uzdignemo iznad bola u bilo kom izazovnom momentu života.

Druge koristi uključuju čišćenje karmi predaka i crnih energija, balansiranje leve i desne strane mozga i ubrzavanje procesa samoisceljenja uopšte.

Devi Mohan
Devi Mohan

Putem svetlosti

Tokom ovog procesa bićete vođeni u prelepu aktivaciju srca. Takva aktivacija podstiče svesno biranje jedne uzvišene odgovornosti prema sebi, ljudima koji nas okružuju, kao i prema Majci Zemlji.

Živimo u vreme u kome je najveći izazov upravo u tome kako prevazići strah, nesigurnost i svakodnevne uplive negativnosti svih vrsta, podići svoju vibraciju i istinski živeti bezuslovnu ljubav kao svoju višu svrhu. Velika je odgovornost biti svestan. Retko ko može isplivati iz močvare kolektivne negativnosti, naročito kada zavlada strah. Zato je proces Putem svetlosti od ključne važnosti upravo u vreme u kome živimo.

Aktivacija moći ljubavi u srcu, protočnost energije kroz centralnu osu i aktivacija pinealne žlezde, naše antene u višu svest, su ključni elementi ovog procesa.