Conscious Dancing and Meditation

Conscious Dancing and Meditation

Conscious Dancing is a highly effective meditation through a free, unstructured dance. As a powerful technique of balancing the chakras, Conscious Dancing awakens the vertical dimension of being while one dances fully focused within.

The result is pure bliss and lightness that lasts for hours after Conscious Dancing.

During this beautiful process, a profound inner alignment takes place as we strengthen and balance each chakra, one by one, connecting vertically with the higher consciousness (for more information, please visit )

The Bliss of Silence Meditation has a profound effect of stillness and inner expansion in consciousness. The gratitude and bliss of this practice is intensified even more when practiced after Conscious Dancing. This meditation is suitable for everyone regardless of their cultural background or religion. The Bliss of Silence meditation connects us to the Divine within, offering a transformative shift into vertical connection with higher consciousness, beyond the limitations of mind and ego ( )

Heart chakra-focused Yoga session & the Power of Purity Meditation

This yoga session is in line with the program of Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga (HSTY) and includes specially selected Yoga asanas and pranayama which take one into a direct, palpable experience of the Heart chakra activation.

The Power of Purity meditation is filled with immense Grace, transcending words and methods. It has a powerful effect of cleansing and opening the heart. A warm, loving energy flows throughout this meditation as emotional pain from the past and unnecessary inner baggage is released. ( )

Sacral Chakra-focused Yoga session & Awakening Yoga Nidra

During this carefully selected Yoga sequence in line with the program of Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga, the focus is given to the pelvic region. Stretching of the psoas muscle, hip flexors, gluteus and other muscles in the pelvic region, we touch the ‘deep waters’ within, supporting a profound inner cleansing in the area of the second chakra, the door to the subconscious mind. Some practitioners may feel like releasing through tears at the end of this yoga session.

Awakening Yoga Nidra is based on the ancient method of effective, progressive relaxation called Yoga Nidra (self-induced, conscious yogic sleep), a beautiful method of balancing and activating both sides of the brain, strengthening the inner witness and speeding up the process of spiritual awakening. What emerges from the unconscious mind during the process is exactly that what one is ready to face, integrate and absorb at that time. This is not a hypnotic state, as one is partially aware while lying in Shavasana, following the guidance provided, but a profound and vivid inner journey is experienced through the inner senses in a deeply relaxed state. Through this method of conscious sleep, one gets empowered to face any challenge of life in the waking state of mind more effectively. ( )