A blissful event of ‘CONSCIOUS DANCING and MEDITATION with DEVI MOHAN’ was conducted on Tuesday, 30th of July at Gurgaon. It was superbly exhilarating and unforgettably deep.
The PROALPHA studio where the event was organised, with already beautiful energy, lit up more the moment Conscious Dancing started. Some of the participants started entering into expanded states of consciousness, transcending the boundaries of physical body, even during Conscious Dancing.
Once the Power of Purity meditation started, the depth of inner silence and expansion in consciousness was palpable, especially after Mohanji Energy Transfer.
One of the participants shared that the sensations that he felt on his forehead while he was being given an energy transfer by Deviji were overwhelming and stayed on for a long time.
Another participant shared two highlights of her first ever Conscious Dancing experience: “Something that was really really nice was the ‘self-hug’ into which we were guided during heart chakra part of C.D. – I felt that I was hugging not only my physical body, but all the energy layers around it, so my hands kept widening. I felt incredibly blissful. This was crowned by the touch on top of my head during meditative part at the end of C.D. – my crown chakra felt like a bud that emerged into the open as all the energy petals around it opened up that very second.
One more participant shared that at one point everything stopped – the time, her breath, everything. There was just this immense energy and expansion. She experienced herself much beyond the physical body and the usual reality.
This happened to be a very auspicious New Moon day as well, and the blessings received were truly special.