On 12 July 2019 Devi Mohan was invited to speak at the Rotary Club Delhi gathering as their guest of honor. Representing Mohanji Foundation, Devi spoke about, “Living from an open heart”, highlighting the beauty and importance of social service, focusing on her own changes in life ever since she met Mohanji and actively joined ACT Foundation.
Devi held the full attention of the audience as she spoke with a lot of enthusiasms and joy about the beauty of experiential spirituality, touching upon Ahimsa, the main tenets of Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga and the importance of visiting high energy locations and events such Kailash, Machu Picchu, Kumbha Mela, Active Peace pilgrimage, etc.
Response of the audience was overwhelming and the heart-to-heart bonding happened instantly. Question and answer session that followed brought even more depth to some of the topics Devi touched upon.
One gentleman commented: “I must say that, although European, in terms of your depth of knowledge and understanding of our spiritual heritage, I see you are more Indian than any of us.”