On Friday May 17th, a lovely group of people gathered in St. Ana for an improvised meditation by Devi Mohan. The higher chakras have been highly active and all had their own powerful inner experience.
After meditation, there was a dynamic and beautiful conversation about deep inner experiences and various insights that one gains on the spiritual path. Devi shared that in the context of Mohanji’s teachings and some of the people present shared their experience from 6 April when they met Mohanji for the first time in Slovenia – internal experience, inner realizations, dreams with deep messages, all this happened just by beign in his presence for a couple of hours.
In joy, love and lightness once easily loses the sense of time, which is why the gathering lasted much longer than intended 🙂 All are joyously preparing for the experience of the first bigger Satsang with Mohanji in Otočec, Slovenia (near border to Croatia) on 8 June 2019.