I am someone who believes in experiences and experience sharing as a mode of inspiration and expression of love…
My own life experience taught me that this is especially applicable in the matters of spirituality. This valuable lesson enriched me 5 years ago, during my postgraduate studies in USA, when I was at the peak of my intellectual pursuits. So, may the sharing begin! 🙂
As most blessings of life, this one too came to me unexpectedly – one day, while I was at Notre Dame University’s gigantic library, immersed in the urgent task of essay writing, I took a short break in order to answer the nature’s call. While passing the book shelves on the way to the restroom, I suddenly felt an unusual tinkling sensation coming from one of the book shelves. I paused, vividly perplexed. Curious as to where this strange, almost physical tinkle is coming from, my hand slowly followed its vibration towards the bottom of one of the book shelves. It finally identified the source of this vibration and landed on a book with an orange cover and rather intriguing title – “The Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahamsa Yogananda. Little did I know that this book would change my life…
After endless reading and essay writing tasks, all I needed was yet another book, but this amazing written specimen was somehow ALIVE. It did not contain any preaching and quotations from the Holy Scriptures, but was all about spiritual EXPERIENCES of a great Yogi – I literally lived and breathed its words for the next 7 days of Spring Break that luckily happened exactly at that time and thus allowed me the time and space to dive into this experience fully.
Mahavatar BABAJI – The Shoulder to Lean On…
With this book I learned of the great ocean of inner faculties that our Creator endowed us with. I learned what it truly means to ‘master the mind’ and establish oneself at the apex of purest Truth, Love, Bliss and Surrender.
The book felt so personal, so real, especially because the image drawn on one of the pages corresponded fully to someone special that I encountered 2 years prior to that, during the most profound mystical experience that I had till then, during my Undergraduate studies in Rome. It was only after I read this book that I understood this mystical experience in Rome was an ASTRAL ENCOUNTER with none other but the greatest of the Yogis – the immortal Himalayan Master, Mahavatar Babaji. I allowed the goose bumps, tears, emotions, sensations of inner expansion, and whatever else came to just flow as I swallowed the pages of this living book, oblivious to time and physical needs. I felt that a deep inner thirst finally started to get quenched and this could not be ignored…
(The free e-book version of this living book can be found at the following website: http://www.ananda.org/inspiration/books/ay/ – Chapter 33 describes the amazing stature of Mahavatar Babaji)
The mind-blowing life experiences of the Masters depicted in this book gave me something new to aspire for, something TRULY WORTH IT – the full flowering of our inner potential, the fulfillment of a soul’s ultimate quest – SPIRITUAL AWAKENING! I knew it then and there that no other worldly goal could ever come close to this. Yes, I knew it right then that THIS is why I came to this world, THIS is why I survived all the obstacles of life including that of a near death experience in 2000. However, I also understood that this journey is far from easy – all our fears, inhibitions, wrong habits, confusions, mental constructs, social conditionings, notions of identity and separation stand on the way. And yet, each one of us longs from deep within to somehow find our way to the ‘top of the mountain’ – that magical point in space and time at which we finally get to see it all:
the Big Picture,
the inexplicable That What Is,
the ecstatic Oneness beyond all man-made barriers,
the Love at its purest and unbearable intensity
into which none can but melt and disappear…
Five intense years, with many ups and downs, have passed since this strong ‘pull from the above’ reached me through the above-mentioned magical book of experiences.
After a strong inner prompting, I hereby feel ready to share my experiences with you, with a sole intention that somewhere, somehow, some of the experiences that you come to read about on this blog, may prove to be of value to you as you face your own inner obstacles on your journey to the ‘top of the mountain’.
Hope to see you there – the ways are many, but destination is One.
Welcome to Biba’s World, ‘my’ blog – created for you!