In Jan 2018, Devi Mohan conducted several morning and evening Yoga session for the staff and Senior Management of Soneva Fushi Resort in Maldives. She shared most beneficial pranayama and Yoga asanas in line with the program of Himalayan School of Traditional Yoga that would help them in their daily life and work. The farewell HSTY session for the staff and senior management of the Soneva Fushi Resort that took place on Jan 5th 2018 was exceptionally beautiful. This time Devi Mohan guided the group through a beautiful indoor evening session focusing on the hip flexors, psoas muscle, deep glutes and overall 2nd chakra area, working on cleansing the ‘deep waters’ within. All felt amazing difference in the body afterwards and thanked Devi from the heart. Devi said that the amazing group energy, great receptivity of people, coupled with the overall beauty of the venue and surrounding, made all the Yoga sessions in the Maldives truly memorable.