Awakening Yoga Nidra – LIVE with Devi Mohan

Awakening Yoga Nidra – LIVE with Devi Mohan

Welcome to Awakening Yoga Nidra, a unique inner 3D movie journey, guided live (via Zoom) by Devi Mohan.

Live sessions are rare and have the benefit of fresh energy being channeled as per the requirement of the individuals who join the session. (You can also access the recorded version of AYN here and enjoy it at your own convenience)


Awakening Yoga Nidra is one of the powerful methods for inner transformation blessed by Mohanji, received and conducted by Devi Mohan. It is based on the ancient method of effective, progressive relaxation called Yoga Nidra (conscious yogic sleep), a beautiful method of inner cleansing, balancing and empowerment done in the receptive alpha state of mind.

Awakening Yoga Nidra however goes a step further than the standard Yoga Nidra: the Grace of Guru Tattwa (the Guru Principle within) is invoked and, as Devi connects with the higher consciousness through Mohanji, she guides the group through a process of intense inner cleansing, bringing back the memory of the Soul’s journey and the Light beyond all the veils of illusion.

What emerges from the unconscious mind during the cleansing part of the process is exactly what one is ready to face, integrate and absorb at that time. The Love and gratitude that is experienced is immense and the power of this love is the key to the inner healing process.

It is important to note that this is not a hypnotic state, as one is partially aware that he/she is lying on the floor in Shavasana (often referred to as the “corpse pose”) and following the guidance provided, but a profound and vivid inner journey similar to an inner 3D movie is experienced through the inner senses which become fully active in this deeply relaxed state. The process is very intense but completely safe.


Awakening Yoga Nidra can be done comfortably by people of any age group and fitness level and requires no specific preparation. All that is needed is a yoga mat or a blanket to lay on, a thin pillow (or a folded towel) under the head and a blanket to cover the body. It is very important to keep warm because in a deeply relaxed state we start feeling a bit cold, just like during regular sleep. Once lying down,  one simply relaxes in the comfortable lying position (Shavasana) and follows the gentle guidance by Devi.


Through Awakening Yoga Nidra one gets empowered to face any challenge of life by strengthening the connection with the inner witness (sakshi bhaav), the key to our ability to rise above pain in any challenging moment of life.

Towards the end of the induction into the ‘alpha’ state of mind, one gets to plant the seed of ‘sankalpa’ (intention, inner resolve) utilizing the subtle energy law of attraction to manifest that what one desires the most, if karmically given. In the Alpha state of mind this is much more effectively than what can be achieved from the regular ‘beta’ state of mind.

Aside from the inner healing, self-acceptance, addressing the aspect of ancestral karma, relief from the heaviness caused by the dark energies, etc, other benefits include balancing of the left and right side of the brain and speeding up the process of self-healing at all levels.

Most importantly, the intense inner thirst for spiritual liberation in this life is enhanced many times over! Even if one only touches the space of “no-mind” (a timeless state devoid of thoughts, also known as the turiya state) briefly, one may emerge from the Awakening Yoga Nidra session birthed into a new reality – blessed with a deep, palpable feeling of inner richness, fulness, gratitude and empowerment.


4 – 4.30pm – Introduction and explanation of the process (please join 10-15 min earlier to settle down before the process. Program starts at 4pm sharp.)

4.30 – 5.50pm – Awakening Yoga Nidra

5.50 – 6.20pm –  experience and insight sharing / Q&A


To book your slot and get the Zoom link please:

  1. Process the payment of 30 euro via PayPal using the following link:  (if Covid time has rendered you jobless or drastically reduced your income, if you are a student, retired citizen, or financially challenged in any other way, but eager to experience the AYN, the energy exchange of 15 euro is also acceptable. Please honor the energy exchange laws while making this decision, in line with your own conscience)
  2. Email Devi’s team on to confirm payment was made and get the Zoom link. You may also request an alternative payment option if PayPal is not possible for you. Please check you Spam folder if you did not receive a reply within 1 day.



Please note that Awakening Yoga Nidra can be experienced individually, or in a group. If you opt to organize a small gathering and follow the Live Zoom session with Devi in a group, it is advisable to use a speaker in order to make sure the sound is optimal. It is also advisable to have one person in-charge of supervising the group in order to avoid interruptions and inconveniences (e.g. snoring sound of one individual that could disturb the entire group). If there is no such assistance and the person next to you happens to snore, disturbing your AYN experience, you can elbow him/her :-), but do refrain from opening the eyes, cause that pulls one out of the alpha state and then it may not be easy to re-enter. 


To read/watch the testimonials of people who have had the experience of the Awakening Yoga Nidra, please visit the Testimonials page.

AYN experiences are highly individual and what is needed the most gets highlighted for each individual. Here is one most recent experience of Sabrina Koletic from Zagreb who experienced AYN for the first time during the Zoom session on 15 Oct 2020 in Serbo-Croatian language. She had experienced cleansing of the ancestral karmas and a couple of days ago she informed Devi that the intention she placed during AYN actually materialized and her friend got to sell the property that she needed to sell urgently – all fell into place in most amazing ways!

Here is Sabrina’s experience:

“My first experience of the Awakening Yoga Nidra is something that can’t be easily expressed in words.
From the very beginning, while diving into the indescribable beauty of love and golden light with all the layers of my aura, I witness myself following Devi’s guidance and I trust her, I trust her completely. I can feel that she is taking me into a journey that I will remember forever. To make this journey even more beautiful, my spiritual father Mohanji walks in front of me. We walk in a synchronized manner and I can feel immense joy due to his presence.
Great determination is within me – that feeling came spontaneously, while I had no idea how far and how deep I am journeying.
At one moment, I enter a dark forest. It is dark but I have no fear. I hear Devi saying something about meeting our body of pain and then the experience hits me. My pain! My body of pain! I am ready. I feel, the entire journey prepared me for this moment. I will open up fully, without holding back. I am ready to strip myself naked from within – all that I don’t like about myself, all that I wish was not there, all that I’m ashamed of, may it be revealed to me! Now or never – I feel I can do this.
And so I enter that dark ditch and there I suddenly see my ancestors – crammed one next to the other, their expressions in the eyes exude helplessness, sadness, misery, pain… With their eyes fixed on me, they are mentally saying “Please save us!” At that moment I realize that my body of pain was actually being built for centuries! What an amazing realization! There are mixed feelings, sadness and joy at the same time. Now I know that I am the one who can stop this invisible cycle of pain.
I am hugging all of them – I am so expanded. I cannot feel my physical body. I feel all of them are in my embrace. I love them all. They are within my heart now. I am grateful to all those souls. I feel immense love, towards them, towards my very soul. We are all one, I can feel it.
I come out of the forest towards the light. I continue climbing the mountain effortlessly and what follows is the encounter with the Masters.
My beloved Sai Baba is there, smiling. And then suddenly – the dance. My dear Baba and I are dancing, freely, wildly, unrestrained. My Baba is a great dancer. I also see Babaji, he is blessing me. I see other great Masters from Dattatreya tradition. I feel so incredibly loved and so accepted – beyond a speck of a doubt, I am one of you dear ones. The feeling of being accepted beyond any doubt is the most beautiful feeling that exists. As if they were waiting for me to come all along – God, what a feeling! Indescribable…
Thank you Devi Mohan, thank you my dear Mohanji, thank you my soul.
From light into the light,
From heart filled with love,
Sabrina Koletic”


All in all, welcome to a powerful journey within!

For any additional information, please contact us on

#yoganidra, #yogicsleep, #alphastate, #awakening, #awakeningyoganidra, #mohanji, #devimohan


Mar 27 2021


4:00 pm - 6:20 pm

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